Individual Sessions Adults
1:1 HypnoCoaching/Therapy Sessions
The constant high pressure to perform and the stress in our society brings a lot of people today into life crises. These crises are for most people the beginning of the path of inner healing.
Even though these crises naturally feel anything but comfortable at first, they are actually a blessing that aims to guide us back home.
Experience your transformation:
discover your inner healing power
experience more lightness in life
discover your full potential
experience heartfullfillment
The essence in the 1:1 sessions for adults is the work with the subconsciousness. Old, no longer serving programs are recognised and released. Therefore space for new, happy and heartcentered experiences can be created.
Couple Coaching
Coaching for Couples
The essence of couple coaching is co-creation. Co-creation at its essence means loving each other freely, nurturing each other, and supporting each other in mutual blossoming. Learning new ways together:
true closeness and intimacy
ease and joy in your relationship
authentic, appreciative, and respectful communication
to share with each other out of inner fulfillment
In the sessions I explore with you the huge potential that we all are longing to tap into love relationships. I show you new, healthy ways of an authentic and aprreciative communication, experiencing awareful intimicy and to share life with one another out of an inner fulfillment.
Coaching for Children and Teenagers
1:1 Coaching Sessions
Children are often exposed to pressure in school, in society and in their social environment. Their emotional and physical resilience is not yet fully developed and they usually exhaust themselves faster than adults. Coaching helps children and young people:
to find solutions from within
to act in connection with the heart
experience joy of life
to have long-lasting motivation
to go into the future with more self-confidence
My healing and coaching methods are especially suitable for working with children and adolescents.
Guided Meditations
Regular Meditation Circle
Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool to re-wire your subconscious mind. Re-connect to your heart, center of love and healing. Strengthen the golden bond of connection between your mind and heart. Meditation can lead to:
deeper state of consciousness
more self-love and self-awareness
a state of inner peace and connection
heart-opening experiences
My intention is to accompany you in reconnecting with your heart center. There – where your heart sets the pulse of your soul. It is when your heart's true power of unconditional love is activated, that you experience true miracles in you and around you. Then you are the creator of your own life again!