How can I help you?
My services intend to help you creating a life that springs out of your whole power and potential.
All my Programs, individual Hypnosis/Coaching/Therapy Sessions and Retreats are designed to guide you towards a happy, fulfilling and peaceful connection with yourself and others.
In the services I offer, I support individuals and couples to explore, transform and release the effects of stress and painful experiences on themselves and their life.
I help individuals and couples develop the skills they need to transform challenges and disharmonies into balance and harmony.
If you're ready to start your own healing journey and experience greater love, joy, and connection in your life, I invite you to explore my services and to reach out to me for personalized support.

"To heal ist to touch with love, that which we previously touched with fear."
~ Stephen Levine ~
Longlasting Lifechanges through Medial HypnoCoaching®
Do you feel stressed or often exhausted in everyday life?
Do you tend to have sleep issues because your thoughts are constantly spinning?
Are you dissatisfied with yourself, your everyday life, your partnership or your job?
Wouldn't it be wonderful to feel strong, full of energy, satisfied and happy again?
Medial HypnoCoaching® is the unique combination of brain research, thought focusing, hypnosis and coaching.
As a HypnoCoach, I support you in looking at your blockages, imprints, emotions and beliefs on all levels to achieve a sustainable life change.
A life change exactly according to your inner wishes and goals.
In this way, old, obstructive patterns are recognized, emotional burdens are worked through and the focus on what you really want is made possible.
Body, mind and soul are given the equal space they need to lead you into the natural state of a healthy human being.
In hypnosis, attention is directed away from the mind-controlled daily consciousness towards inner perceptions. The unconscious becomes conscious. Emotions that have been suppressed for many years can now be consciously felt and unconscious blockages can be dissolved. The hypnotic work also supports the releasment of old mental imprints.
With the help of Medial HypnoCoaching®, the change from survival mode to the creator mode is activated, which has a long-term and lasting effect.

"I believe that an empathic, present and conscious connection towards oneself and others is one of the keys for a happy life."
Christina Wennmacher
